The Planet

Our compulsive overconsumption risks not just our demise but also that of our planet. The world’s natural resources are rapidly diminishing. Economists estimate that in 2040 the world’s natural capital (land, forests, fisheries, fuels) will be 21% less in high income countries and 17% less in poorer countries than today.

We are devouring ourselves.

- Dr Anna Lembke MD : Dopamine Nation

Environmental Impact

Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after fossil fuels and is a leading cause of deforestation, water & air pollution, and biodiversity loss.

In addition to this, 25% of global land use, land-use change and forestry emissions are driven by beef production, including conversion of forests in the Brazilian Amazon.


Carbon Footprint

Animal Products make up more than half of the carbon footprint of all food products combined.

If you include Dairy Products that’s a whopping 66.6% of all the food we eat.

According to PETA:
The U.N. believes that a global shift toward plant-based food is vital if we are to combat the worst effects of the climate crisis. By some estimates, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all of the world’s transportation systems combined.

If you’re serious about protecting the environment, the most important thing that you can do is stop eating meat, eggs, and dairy “products”.



Got Beef? Here’s What Your Hamburger Is Doing To The Climate

In recent years, the looming specter of climate change has given meat eaters a dilemma to consider.
Climate scientists have warned that cattle & dairy farming is unsustainable, generating high levels of greenhouse gases at every stage of the production process.


Innovation In Food Production: Plant-based Meats

Animal agriculture is fueling the climate crisis. It’s also a major contributor to air and water pollution and deforestation, while responsible for animal cruelty on an unimaginable scale. Plant-based meats allow consumers to opt out of supporting this industry while still eating foods like hamburgers and sausages.

Plant-based meats are better for the environment, for animals, and for consumers.


A Healthier Planet

Shifting away from animal-based foods could not only add up to 49% to the global food supply without expanding croplands, but would also significantly reduce carbon emissions and waste byproducts that end up in our oceans and as seafood byproducts.


Through love, thorns become roses.