The Joys


Tedx: What Animals are Thiking and Feeling and Why It Should Matter

Carl Safina takes us inside the lives and minds of animals around the world, witnessing their profound capacity for perception, thought and emotion, showing why the word "it" is often inappropriate as we discover "who" they really are.


Videos of Joy

Watch elephants run to reunite with their favorite people who were away for 14 months.

See How Denver Zoo’s Giraffes React to LIVE Music from the Colorado Symphony

Rescued Elephant Has The Sweetest Reaction To Music

Playing Sax for the Animals!

Beethoven "Pastoral Symphony on Piano for Elephants"

Watch animals reacting to music!

Watch As Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Has Emotional Encounter With Mother Orangutan

7 Heartwarming Animal Reunions Caught On Camera

A wild fox can’t get enough of their banjo serenade.


Through love, thorns become roses.