For The Love of All Animals

A cycle of horror exists in every glass of milk, in every bite of cheese.

Note: This page contains non-fluffed truth. Some content & imagery might be triggering.

Operation Natural Prairie

Watch a comprehensive investigation of Coca Cola owned dairy farms, representing common practices in all commercial dairy.

The Insensitivity of the Dairy Industry

Dairy Steals Babies From Their Mothers

The dairy industry will take all her calves & all her milk. When she has nothing left to give, it will take her life at 4 years. Her natural lifespan is 25 years. Know the truth of commercial dairy.

The Sensitivity of Cows

Studies have proven that cows are emotionally complex animals that are incredibly sensitive and intelligent.

Yet, all commercial dairy farms (organic or not) are prolific trauma operations, which Americans generally have zero clue about.

The Horrible Truth


A Life of Quiet Suffering

All commercial dairy farms will forcibly remove calves from their mother immediately and permanently at birth, creating a period of anxiety, confusion, and profound sadness as dairy cows often will call out for their calves, sometimes for days.

This doesn’t happen just once. For a dairy cow, this happens year after year after year. These dairy cows are forcefully inseminated (a very painful process) in order to keep their bodies of commercial benefit.

The constant cycle of pregnancy and intensive milk production takes a heavy toll on their bodies, and once milk production dips they are slaughtered a fraction of their natural lifespan. Then they’re sent off to become hamburger meat.

They will die about 20 years before their natural lifespan, lasting only 3-5 years on average.


What Happens to The Babies?

Virtually all dairy calves are stolen from their mothers within hours of birth in order to maximize profit. 97% of newborn dairy calves are forcibly removed from their mothers within the first 24 hours. The rest are removed in a matter of days.

Male calves are either killed immediately or spend their very short lives confined or chained in lonely stalls, force fed milk replacer, and live a short miserable life before they are slaughtered for the veal industry.

Some female calves will join the milking herd. They typically spend the first 2 to 3 months of life confined in lonely hutches, fed a diet of milk replacer while humans drink the milk intended for them.


The Truth Is Painful

Most humans know nothing of the dark lucrative dairy industry, and how for cows it is unending horror, torture, high-stress, and exploitation.

Convenience, tradition, and robust government support has misled America (and all other countries including India), fueling an industry of ethically reckless mass profit that champions impunity.

Please consider going completely dairy-free. Here are some resources on the health benefits.


Through love, thorns become roses.